Why Choose Us?

Because we are 100% Canadian! We are a quality Canadian product that is pure and unadulterated. Which means that our products are all “as the bees made it” and do not include any additional additives.  

Our product is Raw! When we say raw, we mean RAW. Our honey and pollen preserve the natural vitamins, enzymes, and minerals that they come with, with no added ingredients or processing in the gathering and packaging of it. The honey is unpasteurized and the pollen is full of health boosters. Our wax is 100% pure all-natural Canadian beeswax.  It is heated and filtered minimally to preserve the original pure product.  No chemical processing, bleaching or additives added. Our beeswax has an all natural honey aroma that will definitely put you into relaxation mode. For more information on the benefits of our raw products, click here.

We provide the highest quality of honey bee products! Nothing at Paradis Honey Ltd. is altered or added in to its natural form. We guarantee that all our products are as the bees made it, and will be delivered to you as such.

“Your candles burn clean and nicely.”

Denise C., Edmonton, AB, Canada

“I love that your honey products are ‘pure and natural’ without being heated or processed.”

Richard S., Grande Prairie, AB, Canada

“Great and prompt service.”

Shawna C., Toronto, ON, Canada

“Your honey is so ‘white’ and creamy. I always look forward to the new crop each year.”

Maria T., Peace River, AB, Canada.